Online Certificate Programs

Have you ever wanted to take online certificate programs but with limited funds? Do you want to acquire new skills but do not have free time to study in the course?

Don’t worry, this time we will provide a solution for those of you who want to add skills but still encounter many obstacles.

This time we have compiled an article on 5 websites offering free and certified online courses to increase your skills. Here is the list:

1. Google Skillshop

Did you know that Google offers a variety of free and certified courses? If you don’t know, don’t worry, we’ll give you a Google Hidden Gems leak in this case!

Google Skillshop is a website that offers various courses to help you master various functions of Google.

Some of the available courses are YouTube content and asset management, Google Analytics, Google Ads, and many more.

The skills you gain from this course will be very helpful for your business, digital marketing, and productivity.

In addition, the certificate you obtain will be very useful to complete a CV and a career in digital marketing, advertising, vlogging, etc.

2. Google Digital Garage

Google Digital Garage offers several free online courses to prepare skills for the digital age.

You can learn digital marketing, business and career development, programming, data and technology, and much more.

The course material is explained with videos in depth and in detail. In addition, there are many illustrations that can make it easier for you to understand the lessons presented.

This course is explained in English and with flexible hours. We can stop, pause or continue the course whenever we have free time.

There is also a quiz for each topic, buddy! This quiz is accompanied by easy-to-learn discussions to give you more confidence as you move on to the next topic in the lesson.

Unfortunately, of the many courses on offer, only Fundamental of Digital Marketing provides a free certificate.

Because it provides a free certificate, the duration of the course is quite long, which is 40 hours.

However, the courses provided will be very helpful for those of you who want to add skills to your career.

3. Saylor Academy

Saylor Academy offers a wide range of free certified courses.

You can learn many things, from business, marketing, self-development, human resources, law to psychology. The course material is not presented in the form of videos, but in the form of modules.

Although the material is in the form of an online module, you don’t have to worry about it being difficult to learn, because Saylor Academy provides a learning program that can help you understand the outline of the material.

The duration of the course at Saylor Academy is quite long, reaching up to 90 hours. But don’t worry, the course schedule is very flexible, really! So you can fit into your busy schedule.

In order to earn a certificate, you must take a kind of certification exam and pass a predetermined passing grade.

What if you don’t pass? Don’t worry, you can take this exam again at the specified time.

4. HubSpot Academy

If you are interested in learning digital marketing, advertising, and sales, the HubSpot Academy is a website not to be missed.

HubSpot Academy provides course materials in video form with clear, consistent, and easy-to-understand delivery. Also, the duration of the course is quite short, only 3-5 hours, you know!

You won’t just sit back and pay attention to the explanations. In some classes, there will be assignments to collect. This task can be a way to practice and test your understanding.

To get a free certificate, you must take a certification exam and pass a grade.

Like Saylor Academy, if you don’t pass an exam, you can take the same exam after a certain amount of time.

Easy and cheap, right? You should try this course to get free skills and certificates in the field of marketing and sales.

5. SEMrush Academy

The next free online certified course is SEMrush Academy.

SEMrush Academy is not much different from HubSpot Academy. They both learn about digital marketing.

However, SEMrush focuses more on digital marketing based on search engines and websites, such as SEO and SEM.

Course materials are provided in the form of videos completed by professionals in their respective fields. So that we can learn directly from the experts. So cool, huh?

To obtain a certificate, you must take a final exam. Like the previous courses, SEMrush Academy also establishes a passing grade.

If you pass the passing grade, your certificate will be sent directly by email. The validity period of this certificate is 1 year.

However, if you don’t pass the passing grade, don’t be sad that you can take the same exam after a certain period of time. Make sure to check out the material that you have been taught, yes!

6. Future Learn

This free website for course service providers is no less interesting than other courses.

Future Learn offers courses on a variety of topics. Starting with business, administration, social media, marketing, data processing, programming, etc.

Course material is presented in the form of a combination of articles, videos, recordings, and quizzes.

There is also a comment field to discuss with other course participants. Guaranteed you won’t be sleepy or bored while following the lesson.

Also, you can access it whenever you feel free because this course is very flexible.

You will also earn a certificate of completion when you take a course of at least 90% of the total duration provided. Easy to follow, right?

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