Companies That Use The Most Solar Panel

Nowadays solar panel companies provide the need for solar panels for many large companies in the world. Here are 10 companies that use the most solar panel in the world.

1. Target – 203.5 MW

The aim is to expand the portfolio by more than 40 MW of solar power in 2017. The company now has an installed capacity of over 200 MW.

2. Walmart – 149.4MW

With an installed solar capacity of less than 150 MW, Walmart is number two on the SEIA list. Broadly speaking, the retail giant aims to reduce emissions across its value chain by 1 billion tons by 2030.

3. Prological – 120.7 MW

Prologis has an installed capacity of just under 121 MW, according to the SEIA report. The company has set a target of reducing 20% ​​of the company’s greenhouse gas emissions from 2011 to 2020.

4. Apple – 79.4 MW

Tech giant Apple ranks fourth on the SEIA list. Earlier this year, Apple announced that its global facilities are running on 100% clean energy. CEO Tim Cook described the development as a significant achievement for the company.

5. Kohl’s – 51.5 MW

Kohl’s department stores not only rely on solar power to reduce environmental pollution. On its website, the company says it recycles about 150,000 tons of material annually, which accounts for more than 80% of the waste it generates.

6. Costco Wholesale – 50.8 MW

Costco uses massive solar energy. The company said it had installed photovoltaic solar systems in 100 warehouses from New York to Japan by the end of fiscal 2017.

7. General Growth Properties – 50.2 MW

Elite housing company General Growth Properties (GGP) calls sustainability “an integral part of GGP’s long-term success.”

8. IKEA – 44.9 MW

By 2020, the IKEA Group aims to produce as much renewable energy as it uses in its operations. The company also says on its website that it aims to source all of its wood from sustainable sources by 2020.

9. Macy’s – 38.9 MW

In addition to installing nearly 40MW of solar power, Macy’s plans to increase the amount of waste diverted to landfill to 70% this year.

10. – 33.6 MW

It’s not just solar power that Amazon is developing. Last year, the company announced that its largest wind farm to date, called Amazon Wind Farm Texas, was operational. The Scurry County facility has more than 100 turbines and will add 1 million MW of clean power annually.




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